Craig Bernthal
am forced to report on tonight’s Academic Senate meeting in at least two
sections, awaiting publication of a document read to the Senate by Chair, Michael
Caldwell. Caldwell’s statement was a history of the formation and operation of
the Budget Task Force, and, though written beforehand, was offered in response to this question, by me:
Was John Constable
[chair of the University Budget Committee] or anyone else on the Budget Task
Force told to keep information considered by the Task Force or the
deliberations of the Task Force confidential to any degree?
short answer to this question, from Provost Covino, was “No,” but I will
discuss his full answer at length after I can pass on Caldwell’s
prepared statement.
Caldwell has promised to get me his history by email, and I have
emailed him, asking for a copy, so that he can attach it in prompt reply. He
also promised to post the statement to the Senate website. When I get that statement, I will pass it on in this blog. The history Caldwell offers opens a number of new issues, especially with regard to the breadth of the
charge to the Budget Task Force, which went way beyond just considering the budget.
Most of the Senate meeting was taken up in discussion of one of two motions introduced by Chris Henson, English. These also demand discussion, and I will address them within the next several days.
Most of the Senate meeting was taken up in discussion of one of two motions introduced by Chris Henson, English. These also demand discussion, and I will address them within the next several days.
are Chris’s two motions, color coded for easy distinction. The first, requesting a state audit of Fresno
State, was discussed extensively, but not to conclusion. The motion regarding
cohort hiring is on the Senate agenda for discussion at the next meeting. (I
have had some trouble matching format, so please bear with any mistakes.)
Academic Senate Resolution on the Academic
Affairs Budget Advisory Task Force Report and Revised Recommendations
Presented by the Academic Senators from
English: Chris Henson and Alex
California State University, Fresno currently faces a base budget gap of
$900,000-1.2 million for the academic year 2011-2012 and the possibility of an additional $11 million
cut for the academic year 2012-13; and
Contrary to well-established University policies on consultative
procedures, the Provost did not consult with the University Budget Committee of
the Academic
Senate on how the University will make the
cuts necessary and instead created
an ad hoc committee, the Academic Affairs
Budget Advisory Task Force (AABATF)
“to recommend sustainable approaches to
closing this base budget gap”; and
The AABATF did not communicate during its deliberations with the
University Budget Committee; and
Neither set of recommendations produced by the AABATF provides a
financial rationale for the recommendations made; and
Both sets of recommendations are restricted to cuts at the College/School
level and below and do not recommend cuts in other areas of Academic Affairs
nor do they
address cuts in the portion of the University
budget outside of Academic Affairs;
The cuts which have been recommended would have severe impact on students
and faculty and the University’s core mission of teaching and research; and
In trying to evaluate the AABATF recommendations and plan for the
current budget cutback and the possible cutbacks to come, faculty must have
full, accurate, and
documented information about the budget plan
for the current year, the actual
expenditures over the past two to three years,
and the actual expenditures to this
point this year; and
Repeated efforts on the part of the Academic Senate and the faculty at
large to
obtain information concerning the 2010-11 and
2011-12 University budgets, the
budget information on which the AABATF recommendations are based, and the
basis for the cost savings estimated in those
recommendations have been met with
resistance on the part of the CSUF administration, thwarting the
faculty’s right
to consultation and putting the proper
administration of public policy in peril;
therefore be it
Resolved: That the Academic Senate of California State University,
Fresno, request an
audit by the California State Auditor; and be it further
Resolved: That such an audit should include but not be limited to the
--the allocation of general funds to all
units of the University, academic and
non-academic; the
percentage of cuts made to those allocations as a result of budget cutbacks; and any
increases in any part of the University budget during a time of budget cutbacks and the justification
for those increases;
--the existence and
disbursement of any carry-forward funds from the preceding
two years;
--the existence and disbursement of any reserve funds;
--funding and increases in funding to special programs, initiatives, or
during a time of budget cutbacks;
--evaluation of the projected savings in the AABATF recommendations;
--the amount of revenue obtained from student fees; the ways in which
that revenue is allocated; any portion of those revenues being held by
any unit of the University; and the intended use for student fee
revenues being
--expenditures within the administration of the University, including salaries,
salary increases, the creation of new administrative divisions,
staffing, and
travel expenses;
--the relationship between the
University budget and commercial projects such as the Save Mart Center and
Campus Pointe, including any transfer of University funds and any financial obligations incurred by the
University through those projects;
and be it further
Resolved: That this request be made to the state legislators and
offices listed below within two weeks of the passage of this resolution:
State Senators: Michael
Rubio, District # 16
Berryhill, District # 14
State Assembly Members:
Henry T. Perea, Assembly District # 31
Linda Halderman, Assembly District # 29
State Senator Alan
Lowenthal, Chair, Senate Education Committee
State Assembly Member Marty Block, Chair, Assembly Higher Education
Legislative Analyst’s Office, section on Higher Education;
and be it further
Resolved: That this resolution be forwarded to the Provost and Vice
President for
Academic Affairs and the University President.
Academic Senate Resolution on Cohort Hiring Through the Office of
the Provost
Whereas: California
State University, Fresno currently faces a base budget gap of $900,000-1.2
million for the academic year 2011-12 and the possibility of an additional $11 million cut for the academic year
2012-13; and
Whereas: The
recommendations from the Academic Affairs Budgetary Advisory Task Force
(AABATF) for cuts within Academic Affairs are restricted to cuts at the
College/School level and below; and
Colleges/Schools and Departments have already absorbed substantial cuts
which have resulted in fewer sections of classes offered, larger classes, the
inability to replace faculty who have retired or left, the inability to hire
faculty to develop and teach curriculum in crucial areas of need; and
Whereas: The further
cuts that will be imposed will undoubtedly restrict the hiring of new faculty
for Colleges/Schools and Departments; and
Whereas: The Provost
currently has a policy of “cohort hiring,” by which one or more central themes
are selected and Colleges/Schools and Departments are encouraged to request a
faculty position that relates to or falls within that theme; and
Whereas: Curriculum
and instruction are the purview of the faculty, and the faculty are best
positioned to identify the needs of Colleges/Schools and Departments based on
such factors as the specialties and interests of current faculty, current
trends in the discipline, needs in the geographic region, employment potential
for graduates, and accreditation requirements; and
Whereas: The policy of
cohort hiring shapes curriculum and instruction by giving priority to cohort
hires and by taking away money from other hires determined to be crucial by
Colleges/Schools and Departments, giving unprecedented control over curriculum
and instruction to the Provost;
Whereas: In this time
of severe budget cutbacks, any hiring that continues to be possible must be
directed at the crucial needs of Colleges/Schools and Departments as identified
by faculty; therefore be it
Resolved: That the
Provost’s Office should suspend all cohort hiring, including the
searches currently underway;
and be it further
Resolved: That the
money allocated for cohort hiring either be used for faculty positions
identified by faculty as crucial for College/Schools and Departments or
distributed to College/Schools for other purposes vital to maintaining
curriculum and ensuring students access to classes and timely completion of
degrees; and be it further
Resolved: That this
resolution be forwarded to the Provost and Vice President for
Academic Affairs and the University President.
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